Saturday, March 13, 2010

Never Growing Up

This post is more to vent and for my own good, but someone may read it and agree/disagree/get something out of it...

I recently deleted my facebook account...I had the account for close to 7 years and used it to stay in contact w/many of my college friends as well as many other friends whom I rarely or never see. But some how along the way, I managed to friend people who turned out to be nothing but trouble makers and felt that every post I made was directed to them...can't help if it hits a nerve...So in order to take the high road I have deleted my account and plan on only using this site and hopefully I can find some of my friends on here to stay in touch with...What a sad world when people only know how to be catty!!!!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Daisypath - Free Anniversary ticker

"Daisypath Anniversary tickers"

The Beginning

I am new to all this blogging stuff, but find it oh so interesting to read about others. I'm sure I'll never have a post on here that interesting to anyone...but its a place for me to put my thoughts down and come back later and read.

I'm sure over time w/2 teenage girls I will be jotting down random issues in hopes of guidance from my peers who have been through or are going through the same thing.

A lil about myself if you will allow...I'm the mother of 2 teenage daughters who keep me on my toes (and medication). I recently married my best friends whom I've been with for over 10 years...we decided it was about time...We live on a large dairy/beef operation and I love it!!! I work public work as well. I'm a Senior Health Environmentalist for the BRDHD and work out of the Warren Co. Health Dept.

My life has changed so much in the past 6 months (for the good) that I wake up scared sometimes that it might all end...I'm living it as it comes and loving it all!!!!